Corona with a little lime wedge? How to stay sane AF during your Quarantine


We’re all feeling it in some way, right? The overwhelming loom of Coronavirus news or for the more prestigious bunch - COVID-19 (whatever you call it, you’re all welcome here, I don’t discriminate). Things are thrown at you left and right all day long unless you shut off all connections to the outside world - which if we’re being honest is pretty hard to do, though sometimes necessary.

If you’re reading this - you haven’t done that quite yet but I’m stoked because that means you’re about to read some good vibes in this shit-storm. There, I said it.

How are you doing? No, really…how are you doing?

Are you the kind of person that needs to be out in the world socializing and going all the places? Are you a vagabond who can’t be tied down? Are you an introvert finding this quarantine to be heaven at home with your dog watching netflix marathons? Stuck working at home with kids and no nanny?


Whatever your situation, these days will start to seem long and hard (if they haven’t already.) We’re on day 7 quarantine/social distancing over here and I think I’m two tequila shots away from letting the Amazon Alexa babysit the kids… Just kidding…in case someone from CPS is reading this…

Here’s the deal - we’re all different. We need to process this differently and that’s okay.

Everyone is shouting out through their social platforms on what you should do during coronavirus, how you should do it, and how long you should do it for. This doesn’t include the CDC, WHO, or in general what your local government is instructing, because yes, definitely adhere to what they are telling you for the safety of yourself, your loved ones, and the unfortunate ripple effects one individual may have on an entire community. What I mean here is, all this new, conflicting, confusing, information is coming out daily from every angle possible and that’s overwhelming. It’s scary. It can take a toll on your mental health and what I truly believe is if your mental health isn’t okay - your immune system takes a hit too. So what can you do?


Take care of you:


First and foremost - take care of your physical needs, your personal hygeine, yada yada. Vitamins, water, exercise…I don’t need to tell you that, everyone else is. Once you’ve washed your hands til your fingers prune up - take care of your emotional and mental health too.


Are you a person who needs positivity or optimism to thrive?
Great! Start a gratitude journal, find your favorite social media outlet that puts out light hearted or positive content. Listen to upbeat podcasts. Read a new book that excites you. Stay off social media, turn off the tv, delete the Facebook app from your phone if you need to. Trust me, they aren’t going anywhere. They’ll be there when you decide to come back. My personal favorite journal is Promptly journals and they are online!


Are you a person who thrives on knowledge?
Go on and do your research. Dig away, there’s new information coming out daily so that should keep you busy for a while. Just make sure to find the reliable sources. This is a time when so many rumors come out, so just be careful. Tread lightly on “all the hype.” Form your own opinions and find actual data to back it all up. If you’re craving knowledge but can’t handle one more fact on coronavirus (I get it), then take this opportunity to learn something new! Google “how to make origami” or learn a new language. There’s so many books and classes online - just find what excites you most.

Most importantly, GET CREATIVE. Creativity feeds the soul. I don’t mean you have to start painting like Picasso. In fact, painting brings me very little joy. I mean get creative in your routine. If you normally LOVE catching up on shows in the living room, relive your childhood dreams and build the most ULTIMATE blanket and pillow fort. Shut all the lights off and have a movie/tv marathon in your fort.


Do you have kids?

Do something that you do with them every day, but make it into a fun game (like cleaning up toys) or do a cooking challenge. Instead of ‘just’ reading books to your kids - ask them how the story goes. If they can’t read, ask them what they see on each page. Change it up to make your days go faster and to keep your sanity, because if wine sells out as fast as the toilet paper did…we’re in trouble.



Still not sure what will help you through this? Just light some candles. Candles are zen AF.



Love and peace and extra doses of sanity to you all. Stay tuned for an upcoming post about how I am getting creative with photography while stuck at home with a teething baby and a strong willed, extroverted 2.5 year old. Lord, be near.