Married in a Pandemic - The perspectives from 2020 couples

…in the midst of it all, throughout the stress, disappointment and frustration, I have watched one couple after another come through it with such hopeful hearts. Joy is still here. Love is still here. I have been so in awe of all my couples and every couple who has had to face this all in the midst of a pandemic. I decided to reach out to a few to give them a space to share their story, their perspective. What it’s like to get married during a pandemic and what advice they have for couples still going through the hard decisions.

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#CORONABRIDES - What to do if CoVID-19 cancels EVERYTHING, including the big day

First of all, deep breaths! That’s survival tip #1. Though breathing is actually super beneficial, I know it doesn’t solve all your thwarted wedding plans due to coronavirus. If you need to postpone your wedding/celebration because the people on your guest list are your rocks and you want them a part of your day - YOU do YOU. I know making decisions about your wedding is not an easy task right now and there is so much to consider. Put your number one priority first, whatever that may be for you. I have created 4 options for considering how to proceed with your 2020 wedding.

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